Friday, December 31, 2010

Wired N Wireless completes 2 years

With over 160,000 hits, this blog completes 2 years. Thank you for the support and wish you all a very happy new year.

Cheers, Santosh 


Cristina Vintila said...

Happy New Year, Santosh!

wireless recharge said...

Congratulation! Santosh. your company completed successful 2 years. And getting improvement in wireless recharge services.

viitelly said...

Valuable information! Looking forward to seeing your notes posted. With IT Support services becoming competitive, there are a large number of firms that will do what it takes to get your business, including agreeing to various questionable terms in the contract.

Wireless Geek said...

Wireless n Wired 160,000 hits not bad in 2 years.
But a BIG thanks for all that Great Knowledge you are sharing with us.
